Sunday, October 18, 2009

Two Beautiful Britton Boys

Hi gang!!
Sorry for the mass email, but I am writing to let you all know that Vicki and I became parents Saturday afternoon at 4:45 and then again at 4:46. On Saturday morning Vicki woke up to some pretty significant back pain. By Saturday afternoon the back pain began to coincide with contractions. After placing Vic on the monitors, it was barely an hour before we were leaving the High Risk Pregnancy floor and headed down to Labor and Delivery. Vicki likely began to develop and infection and the doctors knew this would be her body's natural reaction to it. Everyone was very pleased with Vic's progress over the last 2 weeks and the doctors were ready to go in a get the babies, if a situation like this arose.
The C-section went very well and the NICU doctors are extremely happy with the Britton Boys. The babies are both 3 lbs 5 oz and 16.5 and 16 inches respectively. They are breathing on their own and their color is great. The boys will probably be spending the next 7 to 8 weeks in the NICU, but the doctors are expecting great outcomes and full maturity. The attached pictures show the babies with some tubes and lines attached to them, but don't be alarmed. Their vital signs are being monitored regularly, they have oxygen going into their noses and IVs for food and fluids. All normal stuff, just baby sized. And the boys aren't the only ones doing well. Vicki has been amazing through all of this and she is now in her room resting and recovering. She is going to have to spend the next few days at the hospital, but she is feeling good and has already been out of bed and had a short walk.

Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and warm wishes over the past two weeks, we are extremely fortunate to have such an amazing support system. As always I will keep you posted. Have great Sundays and thanks again!!!

Ryan & Vicki

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