Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some Like it Hot!

Shepherd and Jackson like it hot. In fact the boys like the warm weather so much they have been spending the last four weeks inside enclosed boxes, called isolettes, that help regulate the air temperature around them. To describe the environment inside the isolette, imagine putting on a flannel shirt and sweatpants, wrapping yourself in a blanket, and then going on a summertime camping trip to the Amazon Rainforest. This box of heat and humidity is not my idea of a super cozy environment, but the boys really seem to enjoy it. However, over the past few weeks, the nurses have been slowly lowering the temperatures in the isolettes and allowing the boys to regulate and maintain their own body temperatures. I am happy to report that this weekend the boys took another major step and moved out of their isolette and into an open air crib. Shep and Jack were able to take this step because they have been able to maintain their body temperatures while at the same time maintaining their feeding levels (two things that require a tremendous amount of energy).
Speaking of feeding levels, the Britton boys are still poppin bottles and packing on the ounces. The boys continue to do well with their bottle feeding and Jack is weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz, and Shep is still close behind at 4 lbs 7 oz. Jack has done so well with his feeding that the doctors have removed his feeding tube and he now takes all his feeds through bottle. Shep's heart issues make it a bit more difficult for him to feed, but he is still doing very well and takes the majority of his feeds by bottle.
The boys have had a great couple of weeks and are continuing to make huge improvements. We are looking forward to the week ahead and hopefully my next update will contain details about the boys homecoming timeline.
-Hugs and Love from the Brittons!

Jack in his new crib

Shep in his new crib

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